Step 3 – Typographic Layout (Typesetting)


The page layout and cover design can be done by:

  • Professional staff at Groep 7;
  • The author;
  • or any graphic artist of the author’s choice.

The professional team at Groep 7 does the typographic layout in the world-renowned professional program Adobe InDesign. This is also the first step toward publishing an e-book, when the InDesign file is converted into E-Pub which can then be converted into a secure e‑book.


The type of printing will also determine how the page layout will be done. Estimate costs for page layout in Adobe InDesign are:

  • A5 books – from R9 tot R16 per page.
  • A4 books – from R12 tot R22 per page.
  • Books with sketches, photos & diagrams from R25 per page.
  • Books requiring indexing from R65 per page.
  • Corrections after typesetting – R120 per hour.
  • When authors wish to keep their document in MSWord and do any corrections themselves, we can do the finishing from R4.50 per page.

The final quote is given when we receive the manuscript and two invoices are sent for payment after 50% and 100% of the work has been completed.

Typesetters at Groep 7 do professional typographic layout. However, this does not exclude the author (or friend!) from doing the design and forwarding it to us in print quality PDF (portable document format) and there will then be no charge for page layout. A proofbook is printed by Groep 7 and the author needs to approve it before we print the book order.


If you, or a graphic designer of your choice, would like to do the page layout, the following guidelines can be followed for a neat page layout:

  • The pages in an A5 book are 148,5 mm wide and 210 mm long with 15-20 mm margins for space between the contents and four edges of the page.
  • An A4 page is 210 mm wide and 297 mm long with the same margins.
  • Fonts generally used are “Serif” which means the font has a head- and foot piece which may make reading easier. “Sans serif” are fonts without the head- and foot pieces and can be used for headings. Consider fonts like:
      • Century Schoolbook;
      • Baskerville;
      • Garamond; or
      • Goudy Old Style
  • Numbering of pages preceding the first chapter is normally done in Roman numerals and then Chapter 1 starts on page 1. Uneven numbers are on the righthand side. If a book consists of 100 pages, it means that 50 sheets are printed on both sides and numbered. For example: Roman numerals i-iv and the remaining pages of the book will be numbered 1-96.