Els, Paul

Mobile Watch

ISBN: 978-1-920527-93-8

A5, 150p. R160

SAMW – In the late 1950’s two Military units was established to assist in any national emergence or natural disasters.

In the short period of the existence of these units, they assisted in a few such a requirements, which included suppressing uprising, building bridges, supplying water and transporting sheep.





ISBN: 978-1-920527-35-8

A5, 114p. R230

Each operation has its own story and its own heroes.

Operation Swivel, is the first operation where in the first qualified SA Paratroopers took part in.

Operation Hurdle, must have been the first operation to investigate USSR involvement into Southern Africa, by a South African Army element.

Operation Dikmelk, was an operation where not one shot was fired of any enemy seen.

Operation Super, was an unexpected operation with possibly the most insurgents killed in one day by a small group of soldiers from 32 Battalion and gunships.




Saturday’s Soldiers – The Hunter Group

ISBN: 978-1-920527-36-5

A5, 132p. R220

We Dare

‘Training and fight easy’

…was the motto of a group volunteer South Africans who felt the need to a specially trained group of soldiers.

These soldiers were prepared to sacrifice their spare time to be able to serve their country without any regards for personal gain or safety, in order to meet the challenge that any circumstance may demand.

Out of this the

Hunter Group was born.




Ongulumbashe (Afrikaans)

ISBN: 978-1-920084-01-1

A5, 268p. R280

Operasie Blouwildebees

Die Veiligheidspolisie het inligting bekom dat buitelandsopgeleide SWAPO (PLAN)-vryheidsvegters in Mei 1966 die eerste opleidingskamp in Ovamboland gestig het. Manskappe is onder die plaaslike bevolking gewerf. Ander insypelaars was in klein groepies besig om deur die Okavangu te infiltreer en enkelinge het sover as Tsumkwe in Boesmanland gevorder. Ander het weer geleidelik op die plase van die plaaslike boere geïnfiltreer.

“Vang hulle!” was Eerste Minister Verwoerd se opdrag.

Die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisie, met elemente van die Suid-Afrikaanse Weermag wat onder die dekking  van SAP opgetree het, was verantwoordelik vir die begin van die 23-jarige grensoorlog met ‘n aanval op die basis te Ongulumbashe op 26 Augustus 1966.

Dit was die eerste keer dat ‘n gesamentlike aanvalsmag deur polisie en troepe, met die ondersteuning van die Suid-Afrikaanse Lugmag teen insypelaars opgetree het. Troepe van die 1 Valskerm bataljon was die eerste Suid-Afrikaanse Leërelement wat vir die eerste keer na die tweede wêreldoorlog, weer aksie gesien het.

‘n Aksie-belaaide ooggetuieverslag en ‘n kykie agter die skerms van Operasie Blouwildebees. ‘n Operasie met baie eerstes! Veral van belang vir die Geskiedkundige-liefhebbers! Die boek gee ook insig in die leefwyse van die Ovambo’s, die felle omgewing, en dit politieke kwessies van daardie tyd.


Ongulumbashe (English)

ISBN: 978-1-920084-81-3

A5, 292p. R280

Operation Blouwildebees

Security police obtained information that external trained freedom fighters established the first training camp in Ovamboland in May 1966. Recruiting was done from the local population. Other insurgents infiltrated through the Okavango in small groups and single members advanced as far as Tsumkwe in Boesmanland. Others again infiltrated gradually on to farms of the local farmers.

“Catch them” was the order from Prime Minister Verwoerd. This was the first time that a combined attack force of police and troops, with the support of the South African Air Force acted against intruders. Their attack on the Ongulumbashe base on August 26th, 1966 was probably responsible for the start of the 23 years border war.

This is an action packed eye witness report and a look behind the scenes of Operation Blouwildebees. It was an operation with many firsts, which will be particularly enjoyed by history lovers. It also gives an insight on the way of life of the Ovambo’s, the vast countryside and the political situation of the time …and much, much more.


We fear naught but God

ISBN: 978-0-620412-98-8

A4, 330p. R390

The first South African Special Forces unit was established in 1971 in Oudtshoorn and expanded to four Reconnaissance Regiments by 1982 and a Special Forces Headquarters in Pretoria.

Through the years many South African Soldiers served in Special Forces and Special Forces operators or support personnel.

Over 700 operations was undertook by Special Forces. Most of the operations were done by the SF themselves and some were in support of other SADF units.

We Fear Naught But God.


We conquer from above

ISBN: 978-0-620467-38-4

A4, 334p. R390

What I am!

I became that breed of soldier that others wanted to be, dreamed of and aspired to, but never became. This had placed me apart and made me what I am today!

I accepted the physical hardship, the psychological stress, the brunt of resentment and the emotional strain. This made me stronger, tenacious, proud and loyal. This made me what I am today!

I have experienced fear, pain, exhaustion and discomfort. This has made me determined, confident and self-reliant. This has made me what I am today!

I have been exposed to compassion, joy and comradeship. This makes me realize what it means to be part of a team. This has made me what I am today!

I have felt despair, embarrassment and hurt, but above all I have felt pride. I have fallen, bounced back and soared. This has made me what I am today!

I have walked the walk and jumped the jump whereas others have only talked the talk. This has made me what I am today:

An Airborne Soldier – John Brooks



ISBN: 978-1-920527-37-2

A4, 394p. R380

The SA Army College building known as the Paratus building is the most historical Military building in Thaba Tshwane.

Many soldiers’ attended courses in Paratus and it is estimated that over 1900 Military officers took part in the 78 SA Army Staff Duties Courses presented at the College.




Chronicles of “The Heights”

ISBN: 978-1-920527-34-1

A4, Vol. 1 & 2 combo 526p. R750

An old saying is that all roads lead to Pretoria, but for soldiers it lead to the Heights.

This military town has a rich history. Many soldiers have memories of hard training and great sport achievements during their time spent at the Heights.





Diary of Operation Savannah

ISBN: 978-1-928327-52-3

A5, 320p. R290

This book celebrates the 40th anniversary of Operation Savannah and serves as memorabilia for all Operation Savannah veterans. Operation Savannah was the first major conventional war since World War Two and came to clash against a superior force supported by the Soviet Union and Cuba.






ISBN: 978-1-928327-53-0

A4, 316p. R390

They shall not grow old as we that are left grow old;

Age shall not weary them nor the years condemn,

At the going down of the sun and in the morning

We will remember them.

Verouder sal hul nie soos ons hier nagelaat;

Gebreke van die ouderdom sal hul nooit skaad;

In oggenduur en awendskemering

Leef hulle voort in ons herinnering.



ISBN: 978-1-928261-46-9

A5, 195p. R240

On 15 September 1856 Daniel Jacobus Erasmus registered the farm Zwartkop (356JR) in his name.

On that same date he transferred his farm in three portions to F.E. Erasmus, R.E. Erasmus and K.E. Erasmus.

On 28 September 1901 Mr. Dale Lace bought 2702 morgen of the abovementioned property which later became Valhalla.

In 1905 Mr. Henricus Lorentz and Sir Johannes Gerard (John) van Boeschoten each bought a portion of the original farm ‘Zwartkop’ (356JR). These portions later became Wierdapark and Eldoraigne.

The Valhalla portion belonging to Mr. Lace was later sold to Lyttelton Townhips (Pty) Ltd.

In 1933 the Valhalla portion was bought by a Norwegian lady, Mrs. Olive Maud Kneen.


The Heights Cemeteries

ISBN: 978-1-928349-55-6

A4, 245p. R380

A register book of people buried in the Robert Heights / Voortrekkerhoogte / Thaba Tshwane cemeteries.

Included is a short history of these cemeteries.

The Heights old cemetery (1904 – 1963)

The Heights new cemetery (1964 – 2004)



Die Witkerk

ISBN: 978-1-928349-79-2

A5, 256p. R320

Die witkerk soos dit bekend staan is die eerste Staatskerk wat gebou is.

Die Kerk is in Voortrekkerhoogte (Thaba Tshwane) en was die moedergemeente van Voortrekkerhoogte NG gemeentes.





Ons was daar: Sektor Een Zero

ISBN: 978-1-928372-64-6

A4, 537p. R600

Die boek is A4 met 537 bladsye W/S, c. 1600 fotos, wat die stories van die SAW en SAP in Owambo en Kaokoveld vertel.

Die noorde van Suidwes-AFrika was vir baie SA Weermag en SAP lede en hul families se tuiste tydens die bosoorlog. Dit gee persoonlike stories en fotos en kortliks iets van permanente eenhede wat daar was. Stories soos oor die bus met families in wat ‘n landmyn getrap het; ‘n kind se storie oor sy verblyf in Oshivelo; die geweer grenaat wat uit ‘n troep se bors verwyder is; Muile met R nommers; ens. vele meer.


Amanzi Southern Africa

ISBN: 978-1-928456-22-3

A4, 266p. R420

The book is compiled with information as from 1500 of what happened on our coast.

All information and photos in this book was obtained from the internet and books.

The book is compiled for my own use.





Ons was daar: Walvisbaai

ISBN: 978-1-928499-46-6

A4, 503p. R600

Die boek weergee die herinneringe van lede van die SA Weermag, die SA Polisie en die SA Spoorwegpolisie en hul naasbestaandes wat in Walvisbaai diens gedoen het. Daar word kortliks verwys na geskiedkundige gebeure in die gebied lank voor en tydens die twee Wêreldoorloë. Die wedervarings van almal wat seder 1960 tot 1994 op grondvlak daar diens gedoen het word vir die eerste keer ryklik beskryf en met foto’s geïllustreer, terwyl hulde gebring word aan diegene wat hul lewe in diens, afgelê het.





Boys at War

ISBN: 978-1-776260-76-8

A5, 309p. R380

Following the Korean War, the next armed conflict to involve South African military forces was against Soviet, Cuban and Angolan forces – the SADF’s Operation Savannah in Angola. This resulted from the communist-inspired coup d’état in Portugal and the Soviet Union’s attempt, using Cuban surrogate forces, to annex Angola and to threaten South Africa’s national security. Teenaged boys doing their national service played a major role in this conflict. They and their young commanders, emerging victorious from the many engagements, became the core of South Africa’s formidable fighting force of the future.





George Civil Defence Girls

ISBN: 978-1-991212-06-1

A5, 192p. R350

A tribute to the 1971 intake 50 years ago.

In 1971 history was made when the Civil Defence College was established in George. This was initiated by Mr. P.W. Botha, then Minister of Defence. A group of 128 young, post-matric girls were selected to undergo Civil Defence training, consisting of First- and Home Aid, Telecommunication, Driving and Maintenance, Character Development and basic military training.

This book is dedicated to those first 128 girls, and those who came after them, up to 1994. After 1994, the name of the College was changed to the SA Women’s College, and the training was focused on the training of women for the SANDF.