Kirkpatrick, Janettie

Gr.4 Wetenskap Ontleed

ISBN: 978-1-928456-80-3

A4, 125p. R350

“Wetenskap Ontleed” is ‘n Wetenskaphandboek gebaseer op die CAPS-kurrikulum. Addisionele inligting is bygevoeg om ook die IEB-kurrikulum wat deur verskeie sekondêre skole gevolg word, te dek.

Hierdie handboek dek die bekendstelling aan relevante terminologie en ‘n breë spektrum wetenskaplike kennis waarvan praktiese aktiwiteite ingesluit is. Die doel van “Wetenskap Ontleed” is om wetenskaplike konsepte te vereenvoudig om sodoende analitiese en denkvaardighede te bevorder, asook geleenthede te skep om praktiese navorsingsvaardighede te ontwikkel.





Gr. 4 Science Dissected

ISBN: 978-1-928456-81-0

A4, 125p. R350

“Science Dissected” is a Science textbook, based on the Curriculum Assessment Policy Statements (CAPS). Additional information is covered to support the Independent Examinations Board (IEB) curriculum in Secondary schools.

This book covers an introduction to relevant terminology and a broad spectrum of scientific knowledge including practical activities. The aim of “Science Dissected” is to simplify new scientific concepts to promote thinking and analytical skills as well as provide opportunities to develop practical research skills.





Gr.5 Wetenskap Ontleed

ISBN: 978-1-928434-34-4

A4, 116p. R350

“Wetenskap Ontleed” is ‘n Wetenskaphandboek gebaseer op die CAPS-kurrikulum. Addisionele inligting is bygevoeg om ook die IEB-kurrikulum wat deur verskeie sekondêre skole gevolg word, te dek.

Hierdie handboek dek die bekendstelling aan relevane terminologie en ‘n breë spektrum wetenskaplike kennis waarvan praktiese aktiwiteite ingesluit is. Die doel van “Wetenskap Ontleed” is om wetenskaplike konsepte te vereenvoudig om sodoende analitiese en denkvaardighede te bevorder, asook geleenthede te skep om praktiese navorsingsvaardighede te ontwikkel.



Gr. 5 Science Dissected

ISBN: 978-1-928434-53-5

A4, 116p. R350

“Science Dissected” is a Science textbook, based on the Curriculum Assessment Policy Statements (CAPS). Additional information is covered to support the Independent Examinations Board (IEB) curriculum in Secondary schools.

This book covers an introduction to relevant terminology and a broad spectrum of scientific knowledge including practical activities. The aim of “Science Dissected” is to simplify new scientific concepts to promote thinking and analytical skills as well as provide opportunities to develop practical research skills.



Gr.6 Wetenskap Ontleed

ISBN: 978-1-928372-55-4

A4, 100p. R350

Wetenskap Ontleed is vir primêre skole ontwikkel om leerders voor te berei vir die IEB kurrikulum wat deur sekondêre skole gevolg word.

Hierdie boek dek die bekendstelling aan relevante terminologie en ‘n breë spectrum wetenskaplike kennis deur middle van teorie en praktiese aktiwiteite.

Die doelwit is om nuwe begrippe en abstrakte konsepte te vereenvoudig om latere toepassing daarvan te vergemaklik.



Gr.6 Science Dissected

ISBN: 978-1-928372-39-4

A4, 100p. R350

Science Dissected is developed for primary schools to prepare learners for the IEB curriculum which is used by different secondary schools.

This book covers the introduction to relevant terminology and a wide spectrum of scientific knowledge by means of theory as well as practical activities.

The aim of this book is to simplify new concepts and abstract content to ease future application thereof.



Gr.7 Wetenskap Ontleed

ISBN: 978-1-928327-99-8

A4, 100p. R350

Wetenskap Ontleed is vir primêre skole ontwikkel om leerders voor te berei vir die IEB kurrikulum wat deur sekondêre skole gevolg word.

Hierdie boek dek die bekendstelling aan relevante terminologie en ‘n breë spectrum wetenskaplike kennis deur middle van teorie en praktiese aktiwiteite.

Die doelwit is om nuwe begrippe en abstrakte konsepte te vereenvoudig om latere toepassing daarvan te vergemaklik.



Gr.7 Science Dissected

ISBN: 978-1-928327-86-8

A4, 100p. R350

Science Dissected is developed for primary schools to prepare learners for the IEB curriculum which is used by different secondary schools.

This book covers the introduction to relevant terminology and a wide spectrum of scientific knowledge by means of theory as well as practical activities.

The aim of this book is to simplify new concepts and abstract content to ease future application thereof.