Step 5 – Printing and Binding


Digital printing has developed exceptionally well during the last few years and hence it is cost-effective to print and bind from 2 to 1 000 books per order. The suggestion is therefore to print books on a continuous basis as needed, even at 10 books per order!

At least one proof book will be printed and approved before the order is executed.

Larger orders (>1 000) are printed lithographically which means that the unit cost is reduced; however, the total initial capital outlay may be expensive.


Cover Page

The cover page is printed in full colour or black, on 250 g/m² to 300 g/m² coated paper and laminated in gloss or matt for protection.



Different paper can be used and we keep 80g white Bond and off-white Bookpaper in stock. Books can be printed in either black or full colour, or a combination of black and full colour to save costs where a book does not have full colour photos on every page.

When a combination of black and colour printing is used, it is important to already decide before the layout stage which photos will be printed in colour to save printing costs. One sheet (printed on both sides) will either be printed with a black laser printer or a colour printer; thereafter it will be collated to complete the book. This means that if a sheet is printed in colour on one side and black on the other, both pages will be considered as having been printed in colour and will be invoiced as such.


Binding Methods

  • Perfect bind (60-700 pages):

This is the process normally used in the industry. It is bound with hot glue onto the spine of the cover page and gives the book a square spine.

  • Staple (8-60 pages):

A4 books are printed on A3 paper, folded and stapled with 2 staples in the fold onto the cover page. Using the same method, A5 books are printed on A4 paper, folded and stapled. The advantage is that the book lies flat when it is opened.

  • Wire binding (10-500 pages):

Any number of pages can be bound in this way and the pages can open completely. It is ideal for study material and manuals.

  • Hardcover books (60-700 pages):

The book is bound and cut separately. The hard cover is covered with the full colour cover page and the book is then bound into the hard cover. The unit cost on top of the printing cost of the book is R115 for A5 books and R145 for A4 books.


Printing costs

Basic specifications with full colour 300g cover laminated, contents laser printed in black on 80g bond and perfect binded. A proof book is printed and the author needs to accept it before we start printing the book order.


Proof book and unit cost (example):

  • A5 book with e.g. 160 pages, R53
  • A4 book with e.g. 160 pages, R87


Printing costs on orders after proof book has been approved:

  • 1-49 books = unit price of proof book
  • Discounts on:
    •   50 books         5,0%                100 books       7,5%
    • 250 books       12,5%                500 books     15,0%
    • 750 books       17,5%              1,000 books    20,0%